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Written By: Angela Bishop

As the New Year approaches, the air is thick with resolutions, promises of transformation, and aspirations for a “new and improved” version of ourselves. While the idea of a fresh start is enticing, I invite you to consider a different approach—one that centers on authenticity rather than striving for an entirely new identity. 

Reframing Resolutions: Embrace Authenticity Over Change 

The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions often revolves around changing ourselves—shedding unwanted habits, adopting new routines, or striving to become someone different. However, what if, instead of attempting to mold into a “better” version, we focused on aligning with our authentic selves

Embracing Authenticity: Understanding Your True Self 

Authenticity is about being genuine, aligning with your true values, needs, and expectations rather than conforming to external ideals. It’s a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, acknowledging both strengths and imperfections. 

Assessing Your Needs, Values, and Expectations 

To embark on a path of authenticity, begin by understanding yourself: 

1. Reflect on Your Needs: 

Identify what truly nourishes your soul. Is it more time for self-care, meaningful connections, or pursuing a passion that ignites your spirit? 

2. Explore Your Core Values: 

Clarify the values that are non-negotiable in your life. Whether it’s integrity, kindness, or growth, aligning your actions with these values brings a sense of fulfillment. 

3. Evaluate Expectations: 

Distinguish between societal expectations and your genuine aspirations. What are your own expectations of yourself, and how can you honor these without being swayed by external pressures? 

Choosing Authenticity Over Conformity: A Personal Journey 

Let me share a personal example: In the past, I would set resolutions aimed at changing aspects of myself to fit certain societal standards. However, upon reflection, I realized that true fulfillment came from embracing my authentic self—my strengths, my quirks, and even my vulnerabilities. 

The Power of Small Adjustments: Aligning with Authenticity 

Rather than overhauling your entire being, consider making subtle adjustments aligned with authenticity: 

1. Prioritize Self-Care: 

Devote time to activities that recharge your batteries, whether it’s reading, meditation, or a hobby you love. 

2. Cultivate Authentic Connections: 

Nurture relationships that resonate with your values and bring joy and support to your life. 

3. Set Realistic Expectations: 

Set achievable goals that honor your values and align with your true desires rather than society’s standards. 

Navigating Challenges on the Path to Authenticity 

The journey towards authenticity is not without obstacles. You might encounter self-doubt, fear of judgment, or resistance to change. Here’s how to navigate these challenges: 

1. Embrace Vulnerability: 

Accept that being authentic might make you feel vulnerable, but it’s a testament to your courage and strength. 

2. Practice Self-Compassion: 

Be kind to yourself. Embrace imperfections as part of your uniqueness and growth. 

3. Seek Support: 

Surround yourself with individuals who accept and support your authentic self, and consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor if needed. 

Celebrating Progress, Not Perfection: Embracing Your Journey 

Authenticity is a journey, not a destination. It’s about progress, not perfection. Celebrate the steps you take towards aligning with your true self, no matter how small they may seem. 

 Conclusion: Embrace the New Year with Authenticity 

As we step into the New Year, let us abandon the pressure to become a “new and improved” version of ourselves. Instead, let’s embark on a journey of authenticity—a path that honors our needs, values, and aspirations. 

Remember, authenticity isn’t about changing who you are; it’s about embracing who you truly are. It’s about aligning with your core values, nurturing your well-being, and living a life that feels genuine and fulfilling. May this New Year be a celebration of your unique journey towards authenticity, filled with self-discovery, self-acceptance, and an unwavering commitment to your true self. 

If you are wanting to dive deeper into this topic but are feeling like you are needing more support, feel free to reach out to Bloom & Thrive Therapy. We would be happy to help guide you through .